Ch. France-IB-Monaco-Trialer-Rec. Rossmix Fair Enough | NUCH FINUCH FINW-98 Rossmix Rugger |
Sherlock Of Glen Sheallag |
Multi Ch Waterlooís Rock Around The Clock |
Multi Ch Orange Juice Of Glen Sheallag | |||
Knegarens Tarantella | Knegarens Shineín Sparkle | ||
Stanroph Sweet Sensation | |||
Friendship Merriwagga
INT NORDUCH Mjaerumhögdas Classic Sound | Noravon Cornelius | |
NUCH Gitles Natascha | |||
Friendship Mathilda |
Perrimay Hector | ||
Goldsands My Dream | |||
Very Sparkling Soda of Glen Sheallag | Multi Ch.-Tr-Rec-Elite A Scrabble of Glen Sheallag |
Ch. Lux - NUCH - AW' 93 Waterloo'sRock Around the Clock | Ch Nov'89 Mjaerumhogda's Limelight |
Garbank Giselle | |||
Ch. Bel - IB - Fra - Lux - Nor - Dk - Su - CH. J. Lux - SV'95 - BW'95 - WW'95 - Trialer - Recommanded Orange-Juice of Glen Sheallag | Ch All. Ned'90. Lux'91 Jamescroft Squire | ||
My-Shadow of Glen Sheallag | |||
Ch. France-IB-Trialer-Rec. Sparkling Soda of Glen Sheallag | Such-Nuch-Norduch-Tr-Recommanded Rossmix No Regrets
| NuCh FiNuCh FinW'98 Rossmix Rugger | |
Friendship Merriwagga | |||
Trialer-Recommanded Next Please of Glen Sheallag
| Ch Belg. Lux Stanfast Angus | ||
Ch. IB - Trialer - Recommanded Showbiz of Glen Sheallag | |||
Les chiots partent : * vermifugés en alternant avec un produit différent tous les 15 jours * vaccinés * identifiés par tatouage * avec un carnet de vaccination * inscrit au LOF * une copie de son pedigree * avec un manuel d'instruction pour bien s'occuper de son nouveau compagnon. * un kit chiot( une pochette de rangement des document le concernant et un sac de 3 kg de croquettes Purina Proplan Large Breed). Les chiots ne quittent pas l'élevage avant 8 semaines et demi. |
The pups leave: * with a wormer booster while alternating with a product different all the 15 jours * vaccined * identificated by tattooing * with a notebook of vaccination * registered with LOF * a copy of his pedigree * with an instruction manual for good to occupy itself of his/her new companion. * a puppy starter (a small pocket of arrangement of the document relating to it and a bag of 3 kg food Purina Proplan Large Breed). Puppies don't leave the kennel before 8 weeks and half. |